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Looking Back Over 20 Years


Looking Back Over 20 Years

RDT reached a significant milestone this year, celebrating our 20th anniversary.

Throughout the year we have been celebrating with our team and clients and reflecting on the last 20 years.

Some of the highlights and achievements were:

Community Engagement: Participating in Architects Open Doors events for Shelter and hosting our ‘Design A School in A Day’ Workshops to local schools.

Professional Leadership: Richard Tavener established and chaired the Herts & Beds CE Club, was RIBA East Region Chair and Vice Chair of St. Albans Beekeepers Association.

Healthcare Design: RDT became a Dementia Friendly practice focusing our training on elderly and bariatric care.

Sustainability: In 2015, working with our client Hertfordshire County Council, we achieved the first of only 3 cares homes to achieve ‘BREEAM Excellent Rating’ for Garden City Court aligned with our growing emphasis on sustainable and environmentally friendly design.

Social Responsibility: Fundraising events for GOSH, Carers In Herts, Macmillan and Alzheimer's Society maintained our commitment to supporting social causes.

Innovation and Technology: Being one of the first architects in Herts to become BIM compliant in 2013 demonstrated our commitment to adopting new technologies within our industry.

Awards and Recognition: Winning the Pinders Design Award for Dukeminster Court Care Home, amongst others, added to our list of accomplishments, showcasing excellence in design.

Business Growth: Moving to new and larger offices in 2017 was one of many positive steps for the growth of the business.

Mission Statement: To listen, collaborate and problem solve, to challenge the possibilities and consistently achieve results that matter.

Just for Fun: 20 years ago, apart from RDT Architects being founded, the following was happening:
• The Smyths and Blue first toured
• Apple launched iTunes
• Movie releases included Kill Bill, Elf, Love Actually and Finding Nemo
• DVDs had bumper sales
• Who Wants to be a Millionaire coughing scandal
• Police first use the taser
• Tony Blair was Prime Minister
• Greta Thunberg born
• Concorde made its last commercial flight
• Congestion charge implemented
• England win Rugby World Cup

We have enjoyed the last 20 years and RDT have evolved and become a resilient architectural solution business. We look forward to our continued success as we strive for excellence with our clients.

Cheers to the next 20 years!

#RDTArchitects #Anniversary #20years #MilestoneCelebration #lookingback #bestteamever #BuiltToLast

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